According To Us...
Welcome! This is the place to find out what's happening with Ron, Kathy and Katlin (and sometimes Kiel). Check it out and let us know what you think or how you're doing! Don't forget to check out the archives - you might find something you missed. Stop by often so you can see what we're up to. Thanks!
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Jim and Becky - Hi we got your comments and were glad to hear from you. I deleted your comments by mistake (I'm a loser, sorry). Glad you stopped by and have us marked in your favorites. Jim, how was your bike ride? Save a piece of apple pie for me Becky. Take Care...Ron
Julie - you are a hottie, rememeber I'm one of the few who remembers your bikini (oh yeah). Thanks for stopping by.
Robb, Lisa, Anna, Claire and Baby Girl - it was so great seeing all of you at Aunt Marilyns. Hopefully it won't be so long before we see you again. Keep us posted on Lisa's pregnancy. Love...Kathy
Hi from Uncle Bill and Aunt Marilynn.What a great idea to keep in touch, like a "round robin." Unc Bill is recovering from a fall from a ladder onto the concrete .Mark is in Laffette, Ind. chaperoning a 1st Presbyterian youth church grg. from CR. Called a triennium conference at Purdue U. So wonderful to see all of you again.
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