According To Us...
Welcome! This is the place to find out what's happening with Ron, Kathy and Katlin (and sometimes Kiel). Check it out and let us know what you think or how you're doing! Don't forget to check out the archives - you might find something you missed. Stop by often so you can see what we're up to. Thanks!
Whoa I picture of me running? Haven't seen that in awhile :( (that's a sad smiley for all you parents). Well I decided I need to write something on this page since it does have my families last name and all. Hope everything is going well in everyone's lives and that God is richly blessing all of you in all of your works. I have to go get ready for work now so I gotta wrap this thing up but I wanted to let you all know I will be out next week while I am at Camp Wiregrass :) (happy smiley) so if you wanna write me a letter or note you can call the house and get the address to the camp! Well I will be talking to you guys later take care !!!!
Hey, guys, how is everyone. Tomorrow we take Brent and all the equipment and bikes over to the start of Ragbrai
that will be a long day, but I think the week will be
even longer for the boys. I bet their butts will be sore and they might be walking a little bowlegged. Anyway you might want to check out Ryans blog sometime. It's it's pretty funny he has a definate way with words. Talk to you later. Auntie Gail
Cool pic!! :-)
Thanks omni. Who are you?
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