Storm Update - Thursday Morning Sep 16th
More info on the hurricane and what is happening in the Panama City area.
Calhoun County Emergency Management Officials confirmed that five persons were killed north of the Blountstown area Wednesday night. Blountstown is about 30 miles northeast of Panama City. The twister struck “multiple homes” and those killed were in different houses. It occurred around 8 PM Wednesday. There were numerous injuries but a firm number could not be given. There was so much damage over a scattered area that rescue workers had not yet been able to reach all of the injured.
Bay County Emergency Management Officials say at least 200 homes received heavy damage or were destroyed due to the rash of tornados. The Parker area of Panama City is the worst hit with emergency officials still conducting search and rescue operations.
3 mobile home parks in nearby Jackson County were hit by tornados. A total of 35 trailers were destroyed and four people were injured.
Kiel spoke to his friend this morning and was told that a tornado had touched down near Hwy 77 and Hwy 231 which is near the mall. No other details are available.
80 percent of the homes in Panama City are without electricity. We have called our house this morning and our answering is not picking up so we don’t have power either. We spoke with our neighbors and they said that we lost power around 5:00AM this morning. Our neighbor said that there is a lot of debris in the street but the houses in our neighborhood seem to be intact. No word on our house yet.
We’ll keep updating and letting you know the status of things as info becomes available.
We are all praying for you.. Im very proud of you Kathy remember that shopping keeps the enconomy going and right now fl.and al.need all the revenue it can get..(ha-ha) .Im glad all is safe with you and Butch and Rosemary your other friends also ..I will keep looking for up-dates on this blog and the weather,cnn and the world news too!.
all our love and hugs and kisses
sjdjajdj and kh
Just remember, sister of mine, that no matter what... MOM IS ALWAYS RIGHT! That turned out to be true today, as Mom woke me at 8am saying "Don't you think you should fly Friday instead?" Had I not followed her advice and flown today, I probably would STILL be sitting in Atlanta waiting on a flight. Instead, I'm flying out of Moline tomorrow morning and into Houston. Our gig is in Sulphur, Texas.. so I'll be closer. Glad to hear that Ivan is losing a little steam... hopefully you all can return home soon. I'm praying that you all still have a house to return to and that it isn't in too bad a state. (I also think KC should become an "in-house" dog... she is getting up in years you know) :-)
Less Than Three (great band name!),
PS: Hey Ron, I'm trying to get Smiley Central to work on here, but it won't accept the HTML tags.. what am I doing wrong? :-(
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