Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Brotherly Love

Since I'm feeling somewhat melancholy this evening, this picture seemed appropriate. Someone (not sure who) put it in Corel Draw and came up with this. We figured it out and this was taken nearly 11 years ago! Kiel was nine and Katlin was five...and it seems like yesterday. Does anybody know where these guys went or remember them back then? Where does the time go?


At Tue May 03, 10:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I do remember them back then. They were so cute, even if I do say so. But these little guys turned out to be great young men and I know what you mean as to where does the time go. It does seem as if only yesterday when they were little. Take care we love you. Auntie Gail

At Wed May 04, 10:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, are you sure you meant "sublime"? Look it up in the dictionary. Think you meant "nostalgic". But I could be wrong. Anyway, the pic made me nostalgic for those cute, oh so lovable little boys. They're still cute and lovable (always will be to Grandma), but no longer little boys. They're wonderful young men and I know you and Kathy are very proud of them. We are, too. But every once in awhile, I remember Keil (posing with his "I'm too sexy for my hair") or Kat (trying to eat lunch but falling asleep after each spoonful). It WAS only yesterday and it was wonderful. "Thanks for the memories." GLDD

PS Looks like a Kiel "project" to me.

At Wed May 04, 08:28:00 PM, Blogger Ron, Kathy & Katlin said...

Lana, I think the word I was looking for was 'melancholy' - not nostalgic and defeintely not sublime. How I got sublime and melancholy mixed up is beyond me. Only I could do something like that. Thank you my nun of a mother-in-law for slapping me on the wrist with you dictionary ruler. (lol) By the way have I reminded you lately that you name spelled backwards is ANAL (Lana). I'm teasing.

I also remembered that I was the one who actually modified the picture of the boys. Again, how I did it is anyone's guess. I had to be 'reminded' that I did it early this year. Getting old sucks cause you forget stuff you shouldn't. :) Ron

At Thu May 05, 08:46:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the comments,Mom and Gail. These boys are so precious to all of us and they have become who they are for the love they have been shown by so many of our friends and family, and I thank God for that. But I don't like it that they have grown up so fast, but the memories are priceless that we have, now I get to look forward to litle Kiel and Kats,of course way off in the future. Love K

At Thu May 05, 11:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good to have someone to remind you of stuff when you get "old", isn't it? If only they wouldn't snicker when they do it. But, someday they will be old, too, and they'll remember (maybe, maybe not). Oh, and thanx for the reminder about my name. It's a burden (sigh) that I just have to live with. Keep that dictionary handy. You never know when "the Nun" will slap you again! (: GLDD


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