According To Us...
Welcome! This is the place to find out what's happening with Ron, Kathy and Katlin (and sometimes Kiel). Check it out and let us know what you think or how you're doing! Don't forget to check out the archives - you might find something you missed. Stop by often so you can see what we're up to. Thanks!
Looking sharp guys! But I've got one question: Are you STILL letting Kathy dress you alike? C'mon... you're both wearing blue shirts and yellow ties with black squares... sheesh! (Did Ron wear shorts and a ball cap with his jacket and tie?)
No Ron wore the same thing Blue shirt, yellow tie and khakies. Don't give me a hard time Keith. Remember I am your older much wiser sister. Ha Ha. Love ya.
OMG, I thought the exact same thing Keith, these boys are a little too old to be dressing alike. Was that so you wouldn't lose them on the ship? My kids hate their old pictures of them when I dressed them alike. I think they are a little traumatized from it. Oh well, hope everybody down there has a great Christmas, we will be thinking of you on Sunday. I will have a Tom and Jerry and toast to you. Auntie Gail
WOW - see if I post a picture of the boys again anytime soon. Haters...
hahah nah guy it indicates for each meter squared
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