Thursday, February 17, 2005

The One That Got Away

He would have never imagined that it would come to this. Never did he think he would be saying good bye to something he cared for, something he loved so much. He never realized how difficult letting go really was. But he knew it was the right thing to do. In order for him to become who he was meant to be, he had to let go. He had to give up on this. As much as he loved this he knew it wasn't good for him. It was actually hurting him, holding him back from greater things. And he knew this, which is why he was able to muster the courage to do this. But it was hard and it hurt.

The time had come and he knew what needed to be done. Now it was just a matter of doing it. He glanced at it one last time and all the memories came flooding back. It was so beautiful; in his mind's eye it looked perfect but in his heart he knew it wasn't. It looked back at him. He sensed it beckoning him not to do this; "Please don't do this, I promise it will be different". But he knew better, ultimately he knew that this was for the best, not only for him but for it as well. He knew that once he let go it would drift away and never return. Once gone, always gone - his no more. And that's what made this so difficult. The moment of truth was at hand. He prayed a quick prayer "Please Lord, don't let this be the one that got away." His heart reminded him one last time that this wasn't the one he needed; he was doing the right thing. This simply wasn't meant to be.

He forced a smile, said good bye and then...let go.

Art by Kiel - Words by Ron


At Thu Feb 17, 10:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, you really have a way with words, that was beautiful. Maybe you two should write a book together and make yourselves rich. What about it? Talk to you later. Auntie Gail

At Fri Feb 18, 01:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) Maybe...


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