Sunday, December 17, 2006

I Can Explain...

Ok...bout now you're probably wondering: 'Hey, I thought you said you we're going to update more?' If you did then you're correct but there is a good reason why I haven't lately. My computer died - I just don't mean died but it died a painful, agonizing death. The hard drive was totally spent - beyond repair. I thought about replacing the hard drive but the cost of a new computer wasn't much more that buying a new drive. So I had to buy a new computer. Then I had to wait for it to arrive and set it up. It took me awhile to get the internet setting setup to access the internet properly but now I'm good to go. So that's it - I'm just now getting back online. So you forgive me don't you???


At Fri Dec 29, 02:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you guys, i hate that i've lost touch with you gutys i miss you!! i hope your holidays have been wonderful! and all is well, just dropping by to say hello and tell ya i miss ya! i gave kiel my number in an email so u guys can call me anytime!

happy new years!
less than three

At Thu Apr 12, 03:49:00 PM, Blogger alex said...

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