Thursday, March 03, 2005


Cancer sucks. There's just no other way to say it. It's just a terrible, terrible disease that simply will destroy anyone in it's path. We just got back from the funeral home. One of our friends just passed away from pancreatic cancer. He was a good guy from our old church, he always used to make me smile. Just one of those people who you always looked forward to seeing. And after you did you were the better person because you did. He was 66 years old and he was cool, I mean real cool. He was also real, real as the day is long. But what I respected about him was that he marched to the beat of his own drummer and really didn't care what people thought. If they liked him then fine, if not...tough shit. And I like that, people who aren't afraid of being who they were meant to be. When I'm that age I hope I'm half as cool as he was. We lost a good one when he left us. But he knew and served his King and that gives me tremendous comfort. But cancer sucks, it really does.


At Fri Mar 04, 09:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ron, I know how you feel. I lost a really good friend from work to cancer in Dec. She was only 40 and had two kids, 5 and 10 and they both had birthdays in Dec. She had had hogkins when she was 18 and beat that battle then got breast cancer from the radiation to save her life when she was younger. It does suck, all of us have known someone who has touched our lives, she was so happy and never looked down until the very end. Then last week we had another employee at the hospital killed in our parking lot by an ex-boyfiend, and then he shot himself, these two girls worked together so their department has really had some heartache. I prayed the night she was murdered that Patty was up in heaven helping Michelle with her entrance into heaven. Sometimes I don't understand why bad things happen to good people. Auntie Gail

At Fri Mar 04, 08:55:00 PM, Blogger Ron, Kathy & Katlin said...

Gail - I'm really sorry to hear about your friends. Those are both really sad, tragic stories. You're right it is tough to understand and almost impossible to make sense of. I guess that's one of the reasons why we have faith, to help deal with the impossible and senseless.

Was good to talk to you the other day on the phone, even if it was for 10 seconds. Hope your mom is doing better. Good to hear from you. Take Care...Ron


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