A couple of weeks ago Katlin and I went to the
Cornerstone Festival in Illinois. Cornerstone is this really cool, four day, Christian festival on a farm in the middle of the Illinois corn fields. Cornerstone really has a lot to offer – from camping to concerts and everything in between. Katlin enjoyed listening to some of his favorite bands, while I liked going and listening to the different seminars and speakers they had. One of the more interesting sessions they offered were Q&A times with Christian bands. Frankly, some of these guys were quite full of them selves and considered themselves to be full on rock stars. However, others were quite humble and were very interesting to listen to.
There was one kid in particular who really had some interesting things to say. His name was Jason and he was with an up and coming Canadian pop-punk band called “
Hawk Nelson”. About 15 minutes into the Q&A someone in the audience asked him what he did to maintain the balance between the demands of being in a high profile band with being a Christian. Without missing a beat, he held up his right forearm, pointed at it with his left index finger and said “
Bach” - as in Johann Sebastian Bach the composer.
Jason went on to say that on his right forearm he had a tattoo of the initials “
JJ”. He explained that
before Bach would begin writing any of his musical compositions he would write the initials “JJ” in the upper left hand corner of the first page. The initials “JJ” are the Latin abbreviation for “
Jesu Juva” which means “
Jesus, Help” or literally translated means “
Help Me Jesus”. Jason explained that he found that life on the road was difficult and that it was very easy for him to lose focus and get caught up in the rock star lifestyle. He said that he knew that he couldn’t do things himself or live the way he was called without help. Hence the tattoo, a visual reminder that was always with him. Every time Jason wakes he sees the tattoo and is reminded that he needs Jesus' help to make it through the day. Every time he picks up his guitar to play on stage he sees the tattoo and is reminded to pray a simple prayer: Jesus Help Me. Every time he sees it, he’s reminded that help is never more than arm’s length away.
You may consider what Jason did to be a bit extreme. I know I do…but I have to tell you that I
like where this kid’s head is at. Actually, it’s probably more accurate to say I like where his heart’s at. I too struggle with the same thing that Jason does as I often try to do things on my own. And when I do things on my own…well let’s just say the outcome is not pretty. I also found out that Bach put the initials “
SDG” on the last page of each manuscript. SDG is also a Latin abbreviation for “
Soli Deo Gloria” which means “
To God Alone the Glory”. It’s said that he put this SDG abbreviation on
before he began working on a composition. To me that’s significant. The thought that
before he writes a single note, he gives all credit and glory to God for the masterpiece that is about to be created is incredible. Not knowing how his composition was going to sound or how it was going to be received by others didn’t matter to Bach. Bach knew that God was going to show His Glory through his music and that God deserved the credit. All this shows me that Bach had faith - faith in a faithful God. Bach also knew to give credit where credit was due. I can learn a lot from guys like Bach and Jason. It’s my goal to someday have a heart like theirs. That before I do a single thing in my day I’ll simply say “
Help Me Jesus cause I can't do it without you”. And before I know what the day brings, come hell or highwater - good or bad - I’ll give Him all the credit.
One final thought: I also found that in between the “JJ” and “SDG” that often times (not always) Bach would put “
INJ” on each individual sheet of music. INJ is Latin for “
In Nomine Jesu” which means “
In Jesus Name”. This means book ended between the “Help Me’s” and the “To God Be the Glory’s” are pages of “In Jesus Name”. Each page that Bach composed was dedicated to his King - "In Jesus Name". That’s how I want the days of my life to be, I want it to be like one of Bach's musical masterpieces. I want it to begin with me relying on Him and asking for His help (JJ). Then before I do a single thing, I want to give Him credit and honor for what He is going to do that day in my life (SDG). And then I want each day(page) in between to be dedicated in Jesus Name(INJ). Now
that would be a masterpiece.
Maybe Jason wasn’t as extreme as I initially thought. I think I might go get a new tattoo.